Exploring the Business Impact of Serverless Technology | JawDropping.io

Exploring the Business Impact of Serverless Technology

Victor BjörklundVictor Björklund • Updated 2023-06-18T14:13:57.798Z

Serverless technology has gained significant attention in recent years, revolutionizing the way businesses approach their IT infrastructure. This article explores the multifaceted advantages of serverless computing, beyond the commonly associated functions-as-a-service (FaaS) platforms like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google Cloud Functions. Drawing on real-world examples and industry insights, we will delve into the economic, architectural, and operational impact of adopting serverless technology.

Serverless as a Business Enabler

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, organizations strive for agility and reduced time-to-market. Even before the mainstream adoption of serverless technology, forward-thinking companies were leveraging its principles to gain a competitive edge. A case in point is a German start-up in 2014 that built a marketplace for cleaning services using serverless approaches. By choosing Salesforce as a foundation and integrating with various PaaS and SaaS solutions, they achieved faster iterations, reduced operational overhead, and a sharper focus on building their digital product.

Economic Impact

The economic benefits of serverless computing are notable. Comparing serverless with PaaS and IaaS solutions, studies have shown significant cost efficiencies. Although the choice of case studies may influence these findings, it is evident that serverless can offer predictable and elegant revenue models. Calculating costs per call becomes relatively simple, unlike traditional on-premise infrastructure where factoring in hardware expenses can be complex. Additionally, serverless allows for better resource utilization, minimizing idle costs and optimizing spending.

Architectural Impact

Serverless architecture presents an opportunity to break down monolithic systems into independent functions that can be deployed and updated separately. This paradigm closely resembles microservices architecture, allowing teams to work in parallel and deliver features autonomously. While serverless architectures come with certain deficiencies in the current ecosystem, advancements in frameworks, development support, CI/CD pipelines, and monitoring tools continue to bridge these gaps. Despite the challenges, serverless architectures provide a viable option for reducing operational burdens and enhancing scalability.

Operational Impact

Managed services offered by cloud providers alleviate a significant portion of the operational burden for businesses. This shared responsibility model enables organizations to focus on their core products and leverage the expertise of cloud vendors. For companies aiming to minimize investment in internal platform teams, serverless computing proves highly advantageous. Furthermore, reduced time-to-market emerges as a critical benefit, enabling businesses to rapidly develop and deploy applications without building everything from scratch.

Considerations and Challenges

While serverless technology brings numerous advantages, it is essential to consider potential drawbacks and ensure a suitable fit for specific use cases. Reliability and performance issues, such as cold starts, may arise and need to be addressed effectively. Adopting a mixed architecture approach, combining serverless with other technologies, offers flexibility and can mitigate potential limitations. Additionally, embracing serverless requires a mindset shift and the cultivation of new skills within development teams. Developers with a blend of operations and cloud computing expertise are crucial for harnessing the full potential of serverless technology.

Looking Ahead

Serverless computing continues to evolve, and organizations must stay informed about the latest advancements. Although not a one-size-fits-all solution, serverless can significantly impact businesses by improving time-to-market, reducing costs, and enabling scalability. As the technology matures, it is expected to address existing challenges and offer even greater benefits. To explore how serverless can specifically benefit your business, consider engaging in discussions with experts and leveraging their insights to make informed decisions.


Serverless technology has emerged as a powerful tool, enabling businesses to streamline their operations, accelerate development cycles, and optimize costs. By considering the economic, architectural, and operational impacts of serverless computing, organizations can make informed decisions regarding its integration. Embracing serverless technology requires careful planning, the right skill

Last Updated on March 1, 2022 by Victor Björklund
Victor Björklund

Victor Björklund

Victor Björklund is a full-stack developer and the founder of JawDropping.io. He has experience with Node, Svelte, React, Python and Elixir. At the moment he prefers to build amazing things using either Elixir or Svelte (This site is built using Svelte and the backend is using Elixir).

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